Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Falsies...everybody's familiar with that slang term in the makeup world, right? Maybe not, who knows. For any of you that are not familiar with it, falsies are what people refer to as false lashes.

Now I don't know about many of you but anytime I've ever heard someone talk about falsies or even apply them, it always sounds like it's as difficult of a task as brain surgery. That may be a slight exaggeration, but that's what it seems like. Because of this, false lashes have always just been something that didn't interest me and were something I chose not to spend my money on. But that has now all changed...

Two months ago when I received my February Ipsy bag I was sent a pair of false lashes and while I thought they were cool I didn't think it would be something I would use, so they were just tossed to the side. It was also partially due to the fact that since I had never bought falsies I had no glue to apply them.

However, this changed last night as I was browsing my makeup stash and discovered that the falsies were accompanied with lash glue! So now I had no excuse not to try them. I knew I had nothing left to do for the night and no where to go, so I thought what the heck, I'll give them a try!

What do you think?
Let me add this disclaimer: my makeup was not done up for this picture. I had not done my makeup until earlier in the morning when I was getting ready for school and this was the result of it at the end of the night. 

Shockingly enough, these were very easy to apply and far from any type of brain surgery. I also really liked the look of them.

While these are not falsies that I would say are "appropriate" for everyday use, they are a pair that I would wear for a night out. My hope now is to be on the search for more natural looking ones, which should be a fairly easy task since almost all of my beauty bloggers mention them in every YouTube video they publish.

So, the good thing is I love them and they're easy to apply. The bad thing, I may have found a new addiction that will just be added to my makeup drawer filled with more makeup than I will ever need!

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